Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Trade & Enterprise Gictogloss

Trade is when you give something for something else. You can buy stuff and give them the money or you could change the thing that you are buying. If you buy something when you don’t have enough money you could give the person something else as well..

Enterprise is when you make business. You have to have a idea to make and then you can sell it.

Kitchen Enterprise Group
I am in an enterprise group. My group is Anna, Aneelis & me Fetuao. We are in the kitchen and we make food. We sold some cupcakes for 1PT each and made some money.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

We Sell Feijoas

Today I was reading We Sell Feijoas and I was learning about compound words. A compound word is two words put together to make one word.
This is my presentation you can go and look at some compound words from my story.